Tuesday, November 25, 2008

friendly bags campaign

More pics about the friendly bags campaign:

Distributing the friendly bags in Rawabi Al-Jamae Supermarket

Gifts to the teachers

Gifts to the visitors


Elish Sari said...

Hello Omani iearners!
Congratulations on your friendly bags campaign. Will people reuse these bags again ? or will they be used only once?

Here in the US some people are starting to carry reuseable bags. I try not to take bags from the stores, I carry my own bags. But not enough people do this.
Good luck with your campaign! I wish you success!!

Salim Al-Busaidi said...

Dear Elish,

Thank you for your comment. We have started with some people to make the community aware of these bags. A few of them still reuse these bags. To see them carrying their bags while shopping is one of our aims in this campaign.


Salim Al-Busaidi